
class ApiVideoPlayerController(context: Context, initialVideoOptions: VideoOptions? = null, initialAutoplay: Boolean = false, listener: ApiVideoPlayerController.Listener? = null, looper: Looper = Looper.myLooper() ?: Looper.getMainLooper(), notificationController: ApiVideoPlayerNotificationController? = ApiVideoPlayerNotificationController( context ))

The api.video player controller class.



the application context


initial video options


initial autoplay: true to play the video immediately, false otherwise


a ApiVideoPlayerController.Listener to listen to player events


the looper where call to the player are executed. By default, it is the current looper or the main looper.


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constructor(context: Context, initialVideoOptions: VideoOptions? = null, initialAutoplay: Boolean = false, listener: ApiVideoPlayerController.Listener? = null, playerView: ApiVideoExoPlayerView, looper: Looper = Looper.myLooper() ?: Looper.getMainLooper(), notificationController: ApiVideoPlayerNotificationController? = ApiVideoPlayerNotificationController( context ))

Creates a new controller with an ApiVideoExoPlayerView.

constructor(context: Context, initialVideoOptions: VideoOptions? = null, initialAutoplay: Boolean = false, listener: ApiVideoPlayerController.Listener? = null, playerView: PlayerView, looper: Looper = Looper.myLooper() ?: Looper.getMainLooper(), notificationController: ApiVideoPlayerNotificationController? = ApiVideoPlayerNotificationController( context ))

Creates a new controller with a media3 PlayerView.

constructor(context: Context, initialVideoOptions: VideoOptions? = null, initialAutoplay: Boolean = false, listener: ApiVideoPlayerController.Listener? = null, surfaceView: SurfaceView, looper: Looper = Looper.myLooper() ?: Looper.getMainLooper(), notificationController: ApiVideoPlayerNotificationController? = ApiVideoPlayerNotificationController( context ))

Creates a new controller with a SurfaceView.

constructor(context: Context, initialVideoOptions: VideoOptions? = null, initialAutoplay: Boolean = false, listener: ApiVideoPlayerController.Listener? = null, surface: Surface, looper: Looper = Looper.myLooper() ?: Looper.getMainLooper(), notificationController: ApiVideoPlayerNotificationController? = ApiVideoPlayerNotificationController( context ))

Creates a new controller with a Surface.

constructor(context: Context, initialVideoOptions: VideoOptions? = null, initialAutoplay: Boolean = false, listener: ApiVideoPlayerController.Listener? = null, looper: Looper = Looper.myLooper() ?: Looper.getMainLooper(), notificationController: ApiVideoPlayerNotificationController? = ApiVideoPlayerNotificationController( context ))

Creates a new controller without a view.


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object Companion
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interface Listener

Listener for player events


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Gets/Sets the autoplay state

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Gets/sets the current video position in seconds

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Gets/sets the video duration in seconds

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Gets if the current playing video is a live stream

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Gets/Sets the looping state

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Mutes/unmutes the device

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Gets if player is playing

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Set/get the video options.

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Gets the video size

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Gets/Sets the audio volume


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Add a listener to the player

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fun pause()

Pauses the video

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fun play()

Plays the video

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fun release()

Releases the player

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Remove a listener

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fun seek(offset: Float)

Sets the video position to a time in milliseconds from the current time.

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fun setPlayerView(playerView: PlayerView)
fun setPlayerView(view: ApiVideoExoPlayerView): <Error class: unknown class>

Sets the player view

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fun setSurface(surface: Surface)

Sets the player view

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fun setSurfaceView(surfaceView: SurfaceView)

Sets the player view

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fun stop()

Stops the video

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fun switchTargetView(oldPlayerView: PlayerView, newPlayerView: PlayerView)
fun switchTargetView(oldPlayerView: ApiVideoExoPlayerView, newPlayerView: ApiVideoExoPlayerView): <Error class: unknown class>