Package-level declarations


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class ApiVideoExoPlayerMediaFactory(videoOptions: VideoOptions, onError: (Exception) -> Unit)

ApiVideoExoPlayerMediaFactory has the same purpose as ApiVideoMediaFactory but dedicated to ExoPlayer. It also stores the token session for private videos.

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class ApiVideoMediaFactory(videoOptions: VideoOptions, onError: (Exception) -> Unit)

ApiVideoMediaFactory is a wrapper around VideoOptions to create URL for the different media items (HLS, MP4, thumbnails). It also stores the token session for private videos.

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A class that handles the player full screen.

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data class PlayerMediaRequest(val uri: String, val xTokenSession: String? = null)

Encapsulates a video URL and headers.

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data class VideoOptions(val videoId: String, val videoType: VideoType, val token: String? = null)

Description of the video to play.

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The type of the video.